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Zantis (2011)

The standard version of Zantis.

150 Copies were sold total including the pre-orders.

Zantis (Budget Games Release - 201)

Unlimited version sold as PCB only. 

Two pre-order versions were sold with at least the first having a PCB housed in a translucent cartridge shell.

Zantis 000 99 Ways to Die variant

Includes all the features of the 99 Ways to Die Edition in a unique packaging.

Zantis: 99 Ways to Die.

Only 10 copies available each also including a keychain.

Limited to 150 copies. At least the first pre-order has a PCB contained in a red cartridge shell and is stated by George to inlcuded over 50 copies. The rest were sold in a standard black reproduction cartridge shell. 10 copies of Zantis: 99 Ways to Die were also sold. It has been re-released as part of Fury's Budget Games series.

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