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Classic Game Creations Custom Cartridge

Custom cartridge made by CGC of the 2007 Vec Fu Demo. Not all carts received a label or box insert but as far as known, they all received a reproduction cartridge shell and VHS type plastic box.

Common custom cartridges made by CGC. Not all carts received a label or box insert but as far as known, they all received a reproduction cartridge shell and VHS type plastic box.

Test Cart 2.jpg
Test Cart 3.jpg
Test Cart 1.jpg
Mr Boston CGC 2.jpg
Mr Boston CGC 3.jpg
Mr Boston CGC 1.jpg
Tsunami CGC.jpg
Omega Chase CGC.jpg
Minestorm II CGC.jpg
Dark Tower CGC.jpg
CGC VF1.jpg

This was part of cartridge building service which John Donzilla provided for $15. Given a binary, John would build a cartridge for you. Meant for homebrew developers, some customers requested dedicated carts for a number of games. Popular choices where Dark Tower, Minestorm II, and Mr. Boston however a number of homebrew games were also built as long as the original developer gave John permission.

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